Sunday, September 2, 2007

The gods work in mysterious ways?

How does Pat Robertson et al. explain this one? Bunky Bartlett said he made a deal with his gods - let him win the Mega Millions lotto jackpot, and he would begin teaching Wicca fulltime. Amd guess what? He won.

Like all the other falsifications of the core beliefs of fundamentalist Christianity, this will no doubt be shrugged off and never mentioned. It simply shows how much the Christian religion has turned into a socio-political unfalsifiable ideology, rather than the all-encompassing worldview of the past that supposedly makes factual, testable assertions. Fundamentalist Christians are supposed to look condescendingly at those who treat the Resurrection of Jesus, or the Virgin Birth, or multitudinous other miracles as anything other than literal historical fact. They are supposed to be on the side of Elijah against the prophets of Baal, in which only those who believe in the true God have their prayers answered - and believers in false Gods have their prayers fall on deaf ears, unanswered, doomed to die at the hands of those who are the winners of the divine experimental method.

If so, why aren't they all Wiccans today? Christopher Hitchens explains it very well.


Dan said...

Much as I hate to say it, the fundamentalist Christians will have an answer to this that will confirm their paradigm - they'll say that gambling is the work of Satan, and thus this guy made a deal with the false gods, i.e. Satan incarnate in various guises, and so Satan rewarded him with earthly riches.

It's amazing how much one can self-confirm when one's a true believer...

Keith said...

Yes, confirmation bias leading to subjective validation is a powerful form of self-delusion. That's part of why faith is evil - belief without even the pretense of rational validation - which can be availed when reality occasionally begins to puncture one's self-deception, as in this Wiccan's story.

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