Friday, August 24, 2007

Torture of American whistleblowers in Iraq

The war in Iraq has hit its latest in the "I don't believe it" category: Navy vet Donald Vance, working for a reconstruction contractor in Iraq, witnessed illegal arms sales (helping us understand how over 190,000 weapons could go 'missing'), and reported the crimes (with documentation) to an FBI office in Chicago, because he didn't know who in Iraq he could trust.

The result: the US military detained and tortured him, for 97 days.

WTF? Why isn't George Bush, Congress, EVERYONE outraged and busy doing something about this? Why is the Justice Department refusing any investigation or even comment? Why are the criminals running things? And what will we do about it?

This war has eroded the moral capital the USA has built up ever since the fine words of Thomas Jefferson et al. in 1776. It may prove a turning point in the long-term recruitment of terrorists who will soon have access to true WMDs. For we have undermined the kind of international cooperation among many different nations that will be required to prevent biological and nanotechnological weapons from spreading. And so they will spread, and people will act on their grievances, with ever more sophisticated technology.

I suspect it is the beginning of the end - of us all.


Anonymous said...

it shouldn't surprise anyone that illegal arms sales are taking place in iraq and all over the world for that matter. there are many groups in the world that the usa wants to supply with weapons but just can't afford to be seen doing it. for example we supplied both sides in the iran iraq war and everyone knows about the stinger missles and various other weapons we gave to the taliban to fight the africa we have sold weapons to every army except the salvation army

Anonymous said...

it shouldn't surprise anyone that illegal arms sales are taking place in iraq and all over the world for that matter. there are many groups in the world that the usa wants to supply with weapons but just can't afford to be seen doing it. for example we supplied both sides in the iran iraq war and everyone knows about the stinger missles and various other weapons we gave to the taliban to fight the africa we have sold weapons to every army except the salvation army